Nikolay Tuleshkov
Prof. arch.
PhD - Academician in “BASA”, Chairman

Doncho Partov
Dr. Eng. Prof.
PhD, d-r h. c. FEng. IA ČR, VSU “L. Karavelov”, Vice – Chairman

Radoslav Nikolov
VSU “L. Karavelov”

Pencho Dobrev
Prof. arch.
PhD - VSU “L. Karavelov”

Ivan Ivanchev
Chief Assist. Prof
PhD, VSU “L. Karavelov”


This is the second time we organize Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts International Conference in Bulgaria, a major event that brings together many of the worlds’ architects, environmental architects and structural engineers to Sofia, Bulgaria. The motivation behind organizing the Conference is based on the Bulgarian architectural and structural engineering traditions, on our longstanding links to UNESCO and ICOMOS – as we keep history of architectural and structural engineering education going back more than one-hundred years, our famous orthodox cathedrals in Sofia, our research activities and other successfully organized international conferences. Our success in being able to organize such an event is representative of the intensive architectural and structural engineering activity which has been ongoing over the last twenty five years in along with and also because of changes in the Bulgarian political system and its recent membership in the European Union. As a result, Bulgarian architects, environmental architects and structural engineering are facing new challenges that are typical not only of Bulgaria but are characteristic of our rapidly changing world, too. To respond to these challenges it requires a joint effort, regardless of the geographical location and geometrical size of the different historical types of structures. The last twenty five years in along with and also because of changes in the Bulgarian political system and its recent membership in the European Union. As a result, Bulgarian architects, environmental architects and structural engineering are facing new challenges that are typical not only of Bulgaria but are characteristic of our rapidly changing world, too. To respond to these challenges it requires a joint effort, regardless of the geographical location and geometrical size of the different historical types of structures.